Five tips for your first flight
There are different ideas about travelling on a plane: some people love it, some people prefer to stay safe on the land. What you should know about planes is that each flight is different but they are the safest means of transportation in the world. Here there’s a list of tips for people who attend […]
Id or passport?
Before going on a trip you have to know if you need just your ID card or a passport. Nowadays, thanks to the European Union and Shengen territories there are few nations asking for a Visa before the arrival. If you’re travelling from Italy to a European Union Countries you don’t need a passport but […]
What is allowed in hand luggage?
If you fly for a business travel or for a leisure weekend, the choice to bring only one hand luggage is smart and comfortable as you don’t need to spend long time. For the cabin crew safety you need to follow some simple but important rules. Your cabin size luggage can’t weigh more than 8 […]
Checked luggage: pros and cons
Travelling with a checked luggage has some good points, for example the higher volume and weight. You should note that in case of stopover you don’t need to check your luggage, you will get it back directly at your arrival airport. It has also some negative points: you departure should take longer as you need […]
What is Apple AirTag?
A revolutionary object perfect for those people who use to forget where they leave their keys or bags or other daily objects. Apple AirTag is a smart tracker to which you can connect any object so that you can always track it in real time with your smartphone and refind it in case of theft […]